A Modern Ritual, consisting of a series of exercises leading you to soften, unleash your creativity, and eventually unlock what is still being held.
Exercises bringing you to realise your posture, your place into the room. Using the architecture and the people as stimuli to set the body in motion.
You are invited to dive into the pleasure of doing, observing it and letting your skills grow with as less goals as possible. In other words - willing rather than wanting.
“I met myself in a very peaceful and powerful way. Myself was not ‘me', it was ‘us’. A shared energy, something we all have inside us. My eyes feel opened, I touched an energy deep inside that feels eternal. The fact I touched that, gives me so much freedom and power to live without fear of losing that. Because I know it will come back like a boomerang.”
Maxime Dreesen
A soft opening for musicians, dancers or performers in general, wanting to gain more playfulness and ease in their use of the voice.
Breathing & Voicing exploration.
Exploring your voice and meeting yourself in simple and playful ways.
“It felt incredibly liberating. This work has been incredibly valuable to me, both in a personal and a professional sense.”
Joeri Heegstra
“I found out it was something I had experienced before: being a child. The curiosity and joy I felt during the last two days were so special and magical.”
Ellie De Lange
“...in that have touched upon, and am still now, a sense of deep and vast peace, wholeness and subtle joy. Like coming/being home in myself.”
Erik van de Wijdeven